
Anaphylaxis is a severe, potentially life-threatening allergic reaction.  Common examples of triggers include foods, latex, insects and medication.  Exposure can lead to various symptoms which may include difficulty breathing, hives, difficulty swallowing or a dangerous drop in blood pressure and shock.

We ask that our parents/guardians partner with us to ensure we have an updated form for new and returning students. Once identified, the campus nurse will make contact with the student’s parent/guardian to discuss an Allergy Action Plan that must be completed and signed by the student’s parent/guardian and physician. This plan outlines possible triggers and the proper emergency response for your student.

All staff members on campus are trained yearly to recognize a severe allergic reaction and are familiar with emergency procedures. Designated campus staff members are trained on proper administration of rescue medications.

While, 麻豆社 cannot guarantee an allergy-free environment at school, we have developed guidelines to manage students with these life threatening allergies so that they may safely participate in the educational process.



  • Students with food allergies should not share snacks with others.
  • A clearly designated “nut-free table” can be made available to your student on a voluntary basis.
  • Parents of students with allergies should send snacks for their student.
  • For students who require meal substitution due to food allergies, please use the  ().